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Split level issue and finding fragmented folders


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I have a Videos user share and the have the split level set to 3.  Each of my movies are in their own folder and nested as follows:


Videos\Movies\Blu-Ray\The Shawshank Redemption (1994)


My understanding is that a split level of 3 means that folders Videos, Movies and Blu-ray can be spread across disks, but not the Shawshank Redemption folder.  The other day I happen to notice a "movie name" folder split across two disks.  So I decide to look for more and I find hundreds.  Finding and correcting them was a very manual and tedious process.  This leaves me with 2 questions:


1.  Why were "movie name" folders split across disks.  Shouldn't a split level of 3 have prevented that?


2.  Is there an easy way to to find these fragmented folders?

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1.  Why where "movie name" folders split across disks.  Shouldn't a split level of 3 have prevented that?

It should, and split level takes precedence over other share settings, so unless it was different at some time can't guess what happened.


2.  Is there an easy way to to find these fragmented folders?

You can do this automatically:





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Thanks.  I've played around with it a bit and can;t figure out how to get it to do what I want.  I tried the command in the post you linked to and it just seems tolook on every disk for the movie title folder to see it can consolidate.  It doesn't just show fragmented folders that I can tell.  Or at least I don't know how to get it to.

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I tried running:


find "/mnt/user/Videos/Movies/Blu-Ray" > /boot/list.txt -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 consld8 -t


and it just created  the text file with all the movies on a single line (very hard to read).  Nothing showing which disk they are on and if any or on multiple disks.

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You need to change to use required folder depth, that was just an example, that user was splitting at the top folder, IIRC you need to change both mindepth and maxdepth to 3, but it's been a while, you just need to read the thread I linked, all info is there.

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I've been playing with it and I think I have the folder depth set right, but I don't see how it's useful for what I want (unless I'm still using it wrong.  It created a report that shows it checking for each movie title folder on every disk (over 18,000 lines).  Sure, I can parse that data and determine which movie title folders (if any) are spread across multiple drives, but that's still a bunch of manual work. 


Is that how you used it to clear up you split level issues?  I was hoping to get a list of only movie title folders that are on more than one drive.

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On 7/6/2018 at 9:11 PM, RockDawg said:

and it just created  the text file with all the movies on a single line (very hard to read)


Did you happen to open the output file on Windows? Notepad and a number of other Windows programs doesn't correctly interpret line breaks from Linux machines.

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