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Upgraded to lasted version. Stuck at boot.


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I updated to the latest stable version and now my system will not boot.

This is the prompt it stops at:


I have tried to boot in safe mode without luck. Sometimes it will hang at the "strarting RPC NSM" prompt also.

I have tried removing all my custom lines in the go file along with the sysconfig file without luck.


Any ideas?

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Ran it. Found bunch of errors, coverted lost chains to rec files.

Ran it again with the switches /f /r /x


Completed, ejected, inserted into server.

Stopped at starting SAMBA again.


I have a backup of the config file. I might just try to move it to a new drive.

Any other ideas?

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Tried to use a fresh install.

Same thing.

Removed my dedicated gpu, went down to one stick of ram, removed extra nic card, disconnected drives.

Same thing.


Maybe I need an older version that what is currently on the site. Not sure of the exact version I had but it was older than 6.5.2


Any know issues with the c602 chipset boards? Running a Gigabyte GA-7PESH1 board with dual Xeons and about 96gb of memory.



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It has been quite a while without a response.  What I would suggest is that you post up to the release thread for 6.5.3 (that is the version that you upgrade to?) and briefly list the steps you took and a link to this thread.  Lime Tech does not monitor this sub-forum as religiously as they do the release threads.  Perhaps, they will have some thoughts as where to go from here. 

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