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New Unraid 6.5.3 rebooting multiple times per day


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Fix common problems gives "unclean shutdown detected of your server" and "Call Traces found on your server" errors. See attached. No VMs or Docker containers running when it happens. I am copying several terabytes of video from a different PC to a server share, but that's all that's going on when it goes down. I'm going to try to run memtest86 and see if that shows anything. In the meantime, I had Troubleshooting mode turned on and have a few diagnostic logs that I've uploaded. I'm sorry, but I wasn't sure exactly which files to upload so I upload the last 3 diag zip files. Any idea what's happening? Unraid Stable 6.5.3, install not even 24 hours old yet. Thank you for your time and assistance. Please let me know if there's more info needed.  [EDIT: added 5 more diagnostic files per request].


Unraid 6.5.3 Errors.png










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Thank you, Frank. I had uploaded those right before and after the latest crash, but after memtest86+ finishes running, I will reboot and upload the other files in the log folder too. Appreciate your assistance. -


[EDIT: Additional 5 diagnostic log files uploaded and attached to first post.]

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Was there a    FCPsyslog_tail.txt   file in the logs directory?  That is the last capture of the log file before your server restarts.  


As you are rebooting that often, I would be looking for a hardware issue.  (There have been several people (including myself) that have a flaky PS exhibit this type of behavior.  (Mine was actually a brand-new PS which had only been in an older server for a couple of weeks so it an easy find.)  You might want to see if you have a PS available (spare, loan from friend, 'loan' from vendor with a good return policy), you might want to consider such doing a swap.   (You have only five HD's in your server so capacity on the +12V buss should not be a concern.)


EDIT:  PS--- There was a reason that I ask you to post up in a new message.  The Board does not notify us of edited messages---ONLY new ones.  S if you want the followers of your thread to know that you have new info to communicate, you have to do in a new message! 

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Thank you again. I uploaded an FCPsyslog_tail.txt file also, but I did a clean restart this AM so it's probably useless. I'll check there next. You may be correct on the Power Supply. I ran memtest86+ twice, and both times it completely hung my machine at the 2 hr, 54 minute point, 23% into the pass. That sounds like possibly CPU, and maybe memory as well. But I think you nailed it as a hardware issue. :(

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