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[Solved] log full after every 3 weeks

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Is there a maximum limit of the atop log size, so I could still use the atop package but resize my log parition accordingly?


EDIT: To answer my own question. No, it's impossible to know how much atop will log as it is fixed to a time frame:

When atop is installed, the script atop.daily is stored in the /etc/atop directory. This scripts takes care that atop is activated every day at midnight to write compressed binary data to the file /var/log/atop/atop_YYYYMMDD with an interval of 10 minutes.
Furthermore the script removes all raw files which are older than four weeks.
The script is activated via the cron daemon using the file /etc/cron.d/atop with the contents
0 0 * * * root /etc/atop/atop.daily


With this command the cron file is changed:

sed -i 's/+28/+7/' /etc/atop/atop.daily


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