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Unraid locking up during preclear


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Hello everyone, I seem to be having multiple problems that I cannot resolve.  I'm not sure if the problem I am having now has anything to do with some issues I have been having, so I am starting a new post. Squid, and itimpi helped me with a corrupt file system on a disk that I am currently replacing. That issue is in this post . I seem to have resolved those problems, and Drive 6 which was previously connected via a molex splitter is now on a new sata power plug and a new sata cable. I left my new drive running preclear this morning and When I went to check on it this evening the drive no longer appears under unassigned devices. When attempting a reboot via GUI and terminal the server just stays on. I'm not sure what is happening but I see a ton of errors in the log.



Edit: I forced a shutdown by switching the server off manually. Upon restart the new drive is visible under unassigned devices.   I selected to continue with preclear, the time elapsed only shows 58 minutes. I'm not sure if this helps anyone troubleshoot but I figured I'd provide as much info as I can. Thanks.


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I got no answer and google hasn't help much. I tried pre-clearing another drive and had the same issues with Unraid starting to hang. It was getting to the point where I made the executive decision of adding the drive without a full pre-clear. I'll just get another drive and try to pre-clear it and have it sitting and waiting in case a drive fails. The replacement ran for 18 hours and did a full rebuild and has been running without incident for a few days now. I wonder what was going on.

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