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Help flashing LSI 9206-16

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 I'm having an issues were sas2flash commands are not being recognized on bios shell. I install freedos using rufus to a couple usb drives but they all got the same message. I reset my mb bios setting to factory and can see the bios load for card with following error I can access the cards utility but any change i make freezes utility not letting save anything so Im not sure if it has the correct firmware. I'm using the following firmware attached seems to be latest, when I boot onto unraid the card loads and can see drives but drops off after 5 minutes giving the following error:

Aug  5 14:29:18 VRAID kernel: mpt2sas_cm1: SAS host is non-operational !!!!
Aug  5 14:29:24 VRAID kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: sending diag reset !!
Aug  5 14:29:25 VRAID kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: diag reset: FAILED





Also added efi/boot/bootx64


sas2flsh -o -e 6

sas2flsh -o -f 9206it.bin -b mptsas2.rom








Thanks in advance!



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19 hours ago, ghiglie said:

You are missing you have a "SAS Address NOT programmed on controller..." . Have you got it noted somewhere?



No I don't, is there a way to recover it or reset it so I can start from scratch. I saw this online not sure if it would apply in my case? Also, I did I use the correct firmware and bios? 




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15 hours ago, ghiglie said:

There should be a sticker on the card, with a "500605B". Anyway, with some Google-fu:

sas2flash -o -sasaddr 500605BXXXXXXXXXX 

randomize the Xs


I keep getting the error 'sas2flash' is not redognized as an inter/external comand, operable program ... I used rufus to install DOS on a usb the added the sas2flash from the firmware from but I guess Im missing something? I need to improve my google-fu skills ... 


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