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(Solved) Problem with rebinding protection

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I am trying to install ssl certificates following Spaceinvager One's unRAID 6.4 Overview, How to upgrade, SSL, HTTPS and Disk Encryption video, but when I get to provision, I get the warning 

Sorry, an error (403) occurred provisioning your SSL certificate. The error is: Your router or DNS server has DNS rebinding protection enabled, preventing 34796ec30bbdae301e28de01969309cc73848787.unraid.net resolution. See Help for more details and workarounds.

I am using PFSense for routing and Pihole for DNS (both virtualised on the unRAID server). Most fixes (including Spaceinvader One's) point to the addition of the line 

private-domain: "unraid.net" in Services/DNS Resolver/General Settings/Custom options. This does not fix the issue for me. 

Turning off DNS Rebind check in System/Advanced/Admin Access does not fix the issue either.

I am unable to ping 34796ec30bbdae301e28de01969309cc73848787.unraid.net (above), as it's resolving to  IP and not (the original IP I set the device up with, but changed within a day, long before either Pihole and PFSense were installed), so it seems that some local DNS resolution is fubar . I can't think why this old address persists and I suspect that it may be causing my problems. The server, dockers and VMs have all been started several times since the address change. 

I'm not sure if this is a PFSense, Pihole or unRAID issue, can anyone give me a pointer on how I may clear this address problem or try to fix this issue a different way

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  • Boyturtle changed the title to (Solved) Problem with rebinding protection
On 8/11/2018 at 12:44 PM, Frank1940 said:

Go to   Settings   >>>>  Identification    >>>>    Management access   Now turn on the unRAID GUI 'Help'.  Go to the bottom of the webpage and read how to configure PFsense.  

Thanks for the pointer. What I actually needed was to update the DNS with my new IP and had no idea how to do it. Your advice took me to the link I needed and hopefully all should be well now :-)

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for the pointer. What I actually needed was to update the DNS with my new IP and had no idea how to do it. Your advice took me to the link I needed and hopefully all should be well now :-)

@Boyturtle This is a pretty old thread but any chance that you remember how you went about updating the DNS with the new IP? I think I am having the same issue

Edited by acherubino
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