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(SOLVED) Errors and missing Shared folders?


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So, I woke up today, and tried to access my UnRaid server via my window 7 PC. I clicked on the Network tab, click on Tower, click on the Media Share folder, and the folder is empty. Yet, if I click on the individual disk shared folder/media/ is had my movies and tv shows folder.


I check my system log, and it has a lot of errors, which I am not sure what they mean. I have attached the log, and I would greatly appreciated for your help. Thank you.


1369378348_Tower3.thumb.gif.64e20e70e3fd94e18ca964fce5f24d25.gifTower 1.gif

Tower 2.gif

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14 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

You need to check filesystem on disk6, there are also issues with your cache disk, instead of just posting the syslog please always post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics

Ran filesystem on disk6


reiserfsck 3.6.27

Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/md6
Will put log info to 'stdout'
reiserfsck --check started at Sat Sep  1 16:38:39 2018
Replaying journal: Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30886, desc 1957, len 1, commit 1959, next trans offset 1942

Replaying journal: |                                        |  0.1%  1 trans
Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30887, desc 1960, len 1, commit 1962, next trans offset 1945

Replaying journal: |                                        /  0.2%  2 trans
Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30888, desc 1963, len 1, commit 1965, next trans offset 1948

Replaying journal: |                                        -  0.3%  3 trans
Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30889, desc 1966, len 1, commit 1968, next trans offset 1951

Replaying journal: |                                        \  0.5%  4 trans
Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30890, desc 1969, len 1, commit 1971, next trans offset 1954
Trans replayed: mountid 643, transid 30891, desc 1972, len 1, commit 1974, next trans offset 1957

Replaying journal: |                                        |  0.7%  6 trans


Replaying journal: Done.
Reiserfs journal '/dev/md6' in blocks [18..8211]: 6 transactions replayed
Checking internal tree..  finished
Comparing bitmaps..Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped
3 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree
reiserfsck finished at Sat Sep  1 16:42:52 2018
block 191562442: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (1) expected
 the problem in the internal node occured (191562442), whole subtree is skipped
block 70360034: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (2) expected
 the problem in the internal node occured (70360034), whole subtree is skipped
block 326825679: The level of the node (0) is not correct, (3) expected
 the problem in the internal node occured (326825679), whole subtree is skipped
vpf-10640: The on-disk and the correct bitmaps differs.
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On 9/2/2018 at 12:55 AM, johnnie.black said:

The cache disk dropped offline, power down, check connections, power back up and post new diags.


On disk6, and if you haven't yet, you need to run reiserfsck with --rebuild-tree.

Sorry, I have been busy with work. I ran reiserfsck--rebuild-tree. I also check all the connections to the cache drive, and everything appears to be good. I am in the process of possibly ordering new cables since the one's I've got have never been replace since I build the server almost 5 years ago. Yet, I think it is time to upgrade. So, I'll be slowly but surely get some new gear to build a new server.


The array is back on line and all of my shares are back. It doesn't appear that I've lost any data. Thank you for all of your support.

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