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6.6.0- RC1 Replacing HDD Cache Pool with SSD Cache Pool


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I'm on 6.6 RC1.  I have a 2 disk (HDDs) cache pool which I want to replace with a cache pool of 2 SSDs which  I just added to my system.  The SSDs are currently recognized as unassigned disks. I intend to reassign the current 2 HDD disks in my cache pool as data disks.  I have several VMs on my cache pool as well as the system files (docker and libvirt) and docker app data files. I intend to (1) back up the VMs, app data and system directories to the array; (2) Stop the array and remove the current HDDs from the cache pool; (3) add the unassigned SSDs to the cache pool (which I assume will automatically be formated as BTRFS) (4) format the HDDs as XFS and add to the array; (5) Start the array and copy VMs, app data and system directories to new cache pool.  I assume when I restart the array, the VM and docker service will not start until after the system files are copied to the cache pool and I restart the array for the second time. Let me know if I'm missing something.  Thanks.

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