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Got NVME SSD, Installed and now have nowhere to go


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Here's the gist:


I bought a NVME SSD and installed it in my rig.


I moved over SYSTEM from my hard disk over to the SSD using unBALANCE. Now It's showing "SOME OR ALL FILES UNPROTECTED"


Parity check ran overnight and moved DOMAINS (EMPTY) also to the SSD, without telling me. Now it's ALSO showing "SOME OR ALL FILES UNPROTECTED"


I am trying to move AppData over to put all my docker's files on the SSD from the hard disk, but I have it set up as a share and I can't remove the share, because I don't know how. 


Please send help ASAP.





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If you have any share set as Use Caxhe=Prefer then when mover runs it will try and move files for that share from array to cache (space permitting).    If you only have a single drive for you Cache this will result in the system showing the fact that files on the cache drive are unprotected (I.e. they would be lost if the cache drive fails).    If you want protection for files on the cache then it needs to be a cache pool of 2 or more drives.

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14 minutes ago, itimpi said:

If you have any share set as Use Caxhe=Prefer then when mover runs it will try and move files for that share from array to cache (space permitting).    If you only have a single drive for you Cache this will result in the system showing the fact that files on the cache drive are unprotected (I.e. they would be lost if the cache drive fails).    If you want protection for files on the cache then it needs to be a cache pool of 2 or more drives.

OK I can understand that (and can handle that failure,) but how do I move my appdata over to my SSD while it exists as a share? I need to (somehow) get rid of the share in order to move it. 

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