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WebUI Crashing? 6.5.3


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I had this happen once last week and I had to hard reset my server since I was unable to gracefully reboot using SSH.

Server still works, dockers and VMs are running, shares accessible but when trying to load up the webUI I'm presented with a "504 Gateway Time-out" nginx error.

I had found a command on another thread that would supposedly restart the webUI but this did not work for me. I haven't been able to find a good idea of what may be happening or how to resolve it, unless I'm way out of the ballpark in my searching.

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10 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

This was actually something I had stumbled across but it doesn't appear to be working for me (it could also be that I'm doing something wrong?)
When running the command as I found it: /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart

I don't receive any output from the command, rather it sits there without seemingly doing anything. I've let it sit at least 15 minutes with no indication it's doing anything.

Has me a bit curious

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According to the instructions, two command are required and apparently the paths are not specified in the post.  


I also understand that the GUI server has been 'retooled' so that it is much less likely to be terminated than in earlier versions.  For this reason, If these commands don't restore the GUI, you should probably attached your Diagnostics file after the problem has occurred but before a reboot.  You can do this from an SHH session by the command          diagnostics       and that will write the file to the       logs       folder/directory on the flash drive.  

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