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Add button to show 'SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log'


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Could you please on the 'Self-Test' page for hard disk, add a button 'SMART xerror log' to show xerror log as well?


The command seems to be 'smarctl -l xerror <device>'.



The regular 'error' log is often empty, and may give a false sense that the harddrive is still good, while information displayed in the xerror log indicates that the harddrive is starting to fail.

See also https://www.smartmontools.org/ticket/34


E.g. xerror log can show 'Error: UNC at LBA' entries, while the error log shows nothing.

See https://techoverflow.net/2016/07/25/how-to-interpret-smartctl-messages-like-error-unc-at-lba/


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