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Hba not reading drives


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I bought a new hba, lsi 9211-8i in IT mode on latest firmware 20. 

My computer sees the device but in the storage utility it doesn’t read any of my drives. The dries are older 3tb drives. I tried installing a fairly old 1tb drive that I know works and it still doesn’t see it. Any ideas?

i haven’t tried changing out my breakout cable but I’d be surprised if both cables were bad. 


Unraid reads the card when checking dmesg and lspci but none of the drives. 


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15 minutes ago, Squid said:

Unless you bought the wrong kind of breakout cables.  You may have bought reverse breakout, but you need forward.

I haven’t heard of reverse breakout cables for sas to sata. These cables were used previously in a road setup on an lsi card. Granted that was 4-5 years ago. And have since been sitting in a box. 

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