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Upgraded Cache but size isn't correct - Rebalance?


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I recently finished the process of swapping/upgrading my cache drives (RAID1) from 500gb to 1tb drives. The process I used was

Stop array
Unassign drive from cache

Assign new drive to cache

Start array

Allow rebuild to complete

Stop array
Unassign drive from cache

Assign new drive to cache

Start array

Allow rebuild to complete


Everything is working properly except for the amount of storage the cache shows. It's currently displaying a total size of 750GB when it should be 1TB (RAID1).

From some reading, I'm under the impression I need to rebalance the array. I wanted to be sure I was going about this correctly though. A backup will be taken just in case but is this just a matter of selecting "Balance" in the Balance Status section of the cache? Or do I need to specify -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1

I'm assuming I need to specify it as the btrfs balance status displays: No balance found on '/mnt/cache'


Currently I'm seeing:


Data, RAID1: total=462.73GiB, used=140.50GiB
System, RAID1: total=32.00MiB, used=96.00KiB
Metadata, RAID1: total=3.00GiB, used=1.29GiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=328.11MiB, used=0.00B

No balance found on '/mnt/cache'

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