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transport endpoint is not connected


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I was just trying to remove two Time Machine shares on my unraid system which I no longer use.   In order to remove the shares I had to remove all the files in them.


from the command line I was doing rm-rf on the sparsebundle file in my time machine user share and then suddenly I started getting "unraid transport endpoint is not connected"


After that, all of my shares were not accessible and after a few minutes, I could no longer access the webGUI.


I was able to get my syslog before the webgui went offline.  I have attached it here.


Any advice on what how to proceed to get my server back online?


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actually looking at my log file, it looks like the last thing i did before experiencing this issue was to enable the "enhanced os x interoperability" option on one of my user shares.   My concern at the moment is that since I cant reach it via the webGUI or via ssh from the terminal, I am unable to do a clean shutdown.


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I wound up doing a hard reboot on the server and it came back up and completed a parity check without issue.   After doing so, I tried to visit the share I enables "enhanced os x interoperability" on from my imac and unraid became unresponsive again.


I did another hard reboot on the server and once it came back up I disabled "enhanced os x interoperability" on that share and I have not had any issues since then.


So lesson learned, never enable that feature.

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