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Some hardware upgrades to do...which one first?


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I'm running Unraid 6.5.1, as a Vanilla server with a VERY basic setup (Sempron LE-1100 and 2GB ram 😪)

This morning, I saw there was an OS update (6.6.3) but I couldn't do the update since my flash drive is not large enough (500MB) - So I need to replace it (I already have a Sandisk 4GB, the tiny one)

I'm also planning to replace my motherboard and processor, with something slightly better that I don't use for now (AMD X2 250 and 4GB....I know, still outdated, but it's free)

And finally, looks like i have at least 1 hard drive that is making a weird noise and will need to be replaced

So my question is in which order should I proceed between replacing the flash drive to update to 6.6.3, replacing my mobo/CPU, and replacing some drives?




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Personally, I would address the disk problems first.  After all, your data is the most important component of any server.  I would make only one change at a time.  That way if you have a problem, you know the most probable cause.  Allow a few days between changes to allow any infant morality events to occur.  

6 hours ago, French-Guy said:

with something slightly better that I don't use for now (AMD X2 250 and 4GB....I know, still outdated, but it's free)

That will probably be a very small upgrade in overall performance.  The increase in RAM from 2GB to 4GB will be the biggest thing.  Don't try to run dual parity with either setup.  

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So I took a look inside my server, and it doesn't seem the noise is coming from any of my disks

I also doesn't come from any of the 3 fans (2 x case + 1 x cpu) nor the PSU

But it seems to from capacitors !!! I noticed several of them are all swollen with traces of leaks !!!

I really need to replace my mobo !!!

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