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Moving data onto clean system


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Hi all,


After months of planning and saving I have finally got my first unRAID server up and running. This forum has been a massive help in the planning/building/setup phase and just about every question I've had has been answered by a thread in this amazing community.


I've started to copy my data from all the disks I've managed scrounge up across to my array and was after some advice with an issue I've encountered (I have read a few posts on this but wanted to be sure as this is a one time job that I'd rather not do again). I've decided to setup shares for each media type rather than one all encompassing media location. I'll use my 'tv' share as the example as it has the most files and disks.


I had to transfer some of my files to the new 8 TB disk I bought for my array as I didn't have enough free space to save all the data from my old NAS without re-using a couple of the borrowed disks I was using. I created my array and 'tv' share (high-water, one split level) with my one 8 TB disk and copied over about 4.7 TB of data using Krusader (how good are Spaceinvader One's videos btw). Once my disks from my NAS (4 TB, 3 TB, 3 TB) were emptied/installed/pre-cleared etc. I added them to my 'tv' share and as a bit of a learning experience I started to copy over some more files using Krusader again. I was hoping the data would start to spread out across the disks but it just kept filling up disk 1 which is now 5.7 TB used. I wanted to confirm what I have read that when using Krusader to move your files across to a share location eg. media/user/tv is that it won't follow the high-water rule and spread the files out. If that is the case am I better off working out a rough split of the total size of the remaining files and copying them directly to the 'tv' share folder on the individual disks and manually spreading the data out that way before all the sonarr automation takes over later? I've read another option could be using unBALANCE to scatter the files from disk 1 across to disks 2, 3 and 4. If I go down that route will it follow the split level rule of the share and keep all seasons and episodes of a show under it's show folder when it moves them?


If I have missed something or possibly set my split level wrong and that is causing the chaos I'd be glad if someone could point me in the right direction.


Thanks for your help with this, I'm excited to get it all up and running soon.



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Split level over-rides allocation method when choosing where to place new files.   You do not give examples of the paths to these files but I would think that with a split level of 1 only new shows (which would require a new folder and therefore lives at level 2) would end up going to the new disks.


Note that Krusader WILL use the allocation method/split level settings for user Shares when writing to /mnt/user/? locations.     It is only when you write to /mnt/diskX type location to write directly to a particular drive to bypass the User Share system that the settings for User Shares get ignored.

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Hi trurl. I had looked into this and from what I understand I think I'm OK in regards to this bug. None of the drives I have used to transfer the data have been in an unRAID array or part of my shares before. My flow up until this point has been...


- Using external dock copied files via windows 10 from Synology NAS to 3.5" and 2.5" drives.

- Setup tv share in unRAID ready for copy (1 x 8 TB disk pre-cleared and formatted to xfs).

- Copied 5+ TB of files to the 8 TB disk. This was done by plugging the dock into my server via USB, mounting the drive in unassigned disk and then copying the files from root/UNASSIGNED/hdd name/files -> root/media/user/tv share.

- Once all the data was removed from my Synology NAS I removed the disks and added some of them to my unRAID server. Once they were pre-cleared and formatted I added 1 x 4 TB and 2 x 3 TB disks to my tv share ready for more data.


From what I can see in the thread about the User Share Copy Bug, copying directly to root/media/disk 2/tv (disk 3, disk 4 etc.) using Krusader from drives in my external dock mounted via unassigned disk should hopefully be OK. That said, PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong as you guys have been doing this FAR longer than I have :)

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