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Panic: Debugging Machine Check Exception


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Hey All,


I've seen similar topics on the forum so sorry if I'm not understanding things properly. Within ~10 minutes of my server starting & the array starting it dies with a Machine Check Exception:



I'm not able to type anything at this point as the kernel has panic'd. Similarly, I see no reasonable information in a syslog. Lastly, /var/log/mcelog doesn't exist at next reset reset, I assume because it's not persisted across resets. I have no idea how to actually run this through mcelog.


I have captured a diagnostics as well as a syslog from a minute or so before the system went down.


syslog (7)


I've also run memtest for ~18 hours with zero errors. On top of that, I've removed one of my two memory dimms at a time to isolate a potential memory issue. Each time I did this I still had a panic.


I'm lost where to go at this point. Any advice would be incredibly appreciated.

syslog (7)




It's also worth noting that I swapped hardware recently from a working windows gaming machine. The hard drives & PSU are the same and everything else is new.

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I've updated the BIOS (z68 board) and it has been stable for a bit over a day. I'm still using a different PSU and only 1 DIMM so I'll start adding back in original components to make sure it remains stable.


For a good forum archive of how to solve this, I'd still love for someone to advise on how to read a machine check exception log in the unraid world.

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