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Disks missing after power failure


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Hi all 


 I posted about this a while back but a manual reset on the actual server cures the problem or at least it did last time. however i would like to know why this is happening. basically after a power failure when the power returns the server automatically boots up but my parity disk and another disk (both 4tb WD reds) are missing. This is really confusing me and i would love to get to the bottom of this. Unfortunately last time i could not upload the diagnostics as i reset the unit and it seemed to solve it that time but this time i will leave it until i can get to the bottom on it. I have attached the Diagnostics as others recommended last time but this time before i reboot the system.


just a side note both drives are spinning and "alive" they are weirdly both 4TB reds and the only 4TB drives in the system if this makes any difference 

Thanks everyone in advance for help. 




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57 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

The problem appears to be the controller they are connected to, since none is detected and all 5 onboard SATA ports are in use, you might try changing PCIe slot if possible but it's likely a controller issue, though apparently intermittent.

Cheers mate will give it a go, if i reboot the system it does not help but if i shutdown the system then manually press the power putton it comes on just fine. I will try changing the slot and see what happens. How strange.... Thanks for looking tho

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