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Missing Something on XFS Conversion


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I have read through the "Format XFS on replacement drive / Convert from RFS to XFS" which was very easy to follow. I got the data moved over and cleared two drives for conversion but I am missing the format part. Where do I go to format them? I know when you put a new drive in it does right then but how do you invoke a format on drives already in the array? I have searched the wiki and forum for the answer but I seem to be missing the solution so appropriate any help.


Thanks ahead!

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If you stop the array, you can click on the drive and change the format to XFS.   When you restart the array you will have the checkbox for formatting ‘unmountable’ disks.    Check that the one being offered is the disk you are trying to convert to XFS and assuming it is tell Unraid to go ahead with the format (which only takes a minute or so).

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When I did the conversion, I made a hard copy of the instructions for the procedure that I was using.  I read and re-read that hard copy until I was absolutely sure I understood each step required.  I number each step.  I constructed a table with each step for every disk in my array that was I converting with the proper disk number so that I was always sure which disk I was working on.  I checked off each step as I did it.  


A lot of effort.  YES!!!  But I did two servers and never had an issue during the two weeks that it took to do it.


I also suspect that you could print out a many copies of the procedure as you have disks to be converted.  Then change the disk numbers in each copy to correspond to the disk under conversion.  Then check off each step as you do it for each disk.


The real trick is to come up with a 'fool-proof' method for doing the conversion.  Otherwise it is too easy to miss a step. 

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