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Midnight Commander persistant settings


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Hey Squid


Thanks for the quick answer but what i actually am hoping for is to use MC as much as I use Total Commander on windows.

Reason being I have only one r/w share on my whole unRAID setup and I would like to manage my media library through MC as root user, this allows only me to make mistakes [accidental delete's, ransomware etc...].

MC has a config file that can be edited to have various different options [different startup directories,different default editors and compression utilities etc..].


So I would like to find a way to have a persistent config file for MC and am wondering where I would keep this so it could survive reboots.


So I am looking for some help on this if it is possible at all?


It currently lives in /root/.config/mc/ini and would like to know how I can get this to survive reboots and get applied to MC every time I start MC up.


I do realise that this is not what the unRAID filesystem is meant for but I would like to do this if it is possible.


Any advise anybody??


Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and any advise would be appreciated even if the answer is that it is not possible then I can just move on.




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The previous answer is the way you do this:

  • Put a copy of the edited file somewhere on the USB stick (location is up to you).
  • Add an line to the config/go file on the USB stick to copy it during the boot process to where it needs to be while Unraid is running.
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19 minutes ago, abs0lut.zer0 said:

MC has a config file that can be edited


19 minutes ago, abs0lut.zer0 said:

It currently lives in /root/.config/mc/ini and would like to know how I can get this to survive reboots and get applied to MC every time I start MC up.


Make your changes to that file.  Test it, make sure that it's what you want


Then copy that file to the flash drive.  Then edit /boot/config/go (or via user scripts -> schedule: at first boot only) to copy that file back from the flash drive.


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