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[SOLVED] Lost all settings after a shutdown


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I was trying to enable the IGP in my BIOS to allow hardware acceleration and my BIOS wouldn't POST. So I removed the CMOS battery, unplugged everything and then tried booting again. It's working. Except once in unRAID I'm back to all the default and generic settings without my array properly set up.

I never had any issue with reboots or shutdowns in general before. I worked very hard setting everything up properly and I really hope there is a way to get back my old setting without having to reconfigure everything back from scratch.


My motherboard is a E3C236D2I, I'm running a E3-1245 V6. I made sure my USB and SATA options are as they were before. I do have a couple of options to boot, I can boot on the USB stick in legacy or UEFI mode (doesn't work in UEFI so I assume it's legacy) or I can boot on a bunch of AMI Virtual devices (CD-ROM, Hard disks, etc).




I tried all the options and only the 32GB USB stick works (pretty much as expected). It just boots to unRAID with some default settings.


Any ideas? Thank you.

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10 hours ago, dnLL said:

Some additional info. Once booted, I can see the stuff in /boot/config/, a lot of the settings in there look to be OK but ident.cfg is definitely not OK. Why would some files get reverted back to default settings?

Possibly flash drive corruption, possibly it is losing connection to the flash drive after booting. If a file on flash is missing it will create a default one.


Is it plugged into the same port you were using before? Is it a USB2 port?


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip to your next post.

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Ended up being flash drive corruption. Backed the config folder up and put it back on the "new" drive. Works well. I did somehow lose the ident.cfg but that wasn't too hard to set up.


This experiment at least allowed me to learn more about the way unRAID handles booting in general and which files I have to save.

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