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Correct Procedure to remove Cache Drive?


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A few weeks ago, I added a 500gb cache drive - shares/appdata, shares/domains, shares/system had "cache drive" = prefer. 

I now want to remove the cache drive and dedicate to use in a Win10 VM.


I changed shares/appdata, shares/domains, shares/system to "cache drive" = yes & ran the mover overnight.  I woke up this morning and the "appdata" folder is still residing on a mix of the cache/array.  I stopped the docker service, re-ran the mover, and "appdata" is still a mix of cache/array.  I can't seem to get it fully moved off the cache drive.  


I also noticed that at some point, a new "user0" folder with appdata folders was created in my array (I'm guessing this happened when the docker service was still running while running the mover)?


Does anybody know if I've done the correct procedure?  What can I do to move appdata folders off the cache drive?  Do I (should I) manually copy/paste files from the cache drive to the array?  Should I do anything with the "user0" folder?

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3 minutes ago, russdyer77 said:

I also noticed that at some point, a new "user0" folder with appdata folders was created in my array (I'm guessing this happened when the docker service was still running while running the mover)?

user0 is not new and was always there. It is completely normal. It is just the same as user except excluding any content on cache.


4 minutes ago, russdyer77 said:

I changed shares/appdata, shares/domains, shares/system to "cache drive" = yes & ran the mover overnight.  I woke up this morning and the "appdata" folder is still residing on a mix of the cache/array.  I stopped the docker service, re-ran the mover, and "appdata" is still a mix of cache/array.  I can't seem to get it fully moved off the cache drive. 

Probably you somehow got duplicates, and mover won't overwrite a file already on the array. This part of another recent thread is similar to yours:




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Looking through that thread seems to suggest that I need to delete all duplicate files off the array before running the mover again?  This would take forever to accomplish manually?  I'm assuming that if the mover has completed, and anything remaining on the cache drive is just because there is a duplicate on the array - that all files needed are now on the array & I can safely remove the cache drive?  

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The thing is, it might not be an exact duplicate. If the path is the same then it would be considered a duplicate, but the contents could be different. That is why I was trying to determine which was the current version. Probably the cache is, but it is also possible that some of the files got moved from cache so cache by itself may not be complete.


It wouldn't really take forever to manually copy that last share from cache to the array and make it overwrite any duplicates. Could be done in one simple operation using Midnight Commander (mc at the command line), for example. Or you could do it using the Krusader docker. Or just one command at the command line itself.


Another possibility would be to simply rename the appdata folder on cache and see if all your dockers are still working normally. If so then you know that it doesn't need the files on cache.


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