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VM drive clearing over night for no reason.


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So I've been having issues for quite a while with my main VM setup on my Unraid server.  I am passing through a bare metal SSD drive as the primary VM install location, another bare metal drive and 1 Vdisk for storage needs.  Both non-primary drives are un-affected by the issue.  The issue at hand, is every time I come back to my VM computer setup, the VM is non-functional.  I leave server and VM running all day and all night, Sleep and Hibernate are disabled in VM.  Cannot VNC client or remote desktop to it.  Check Unraid GUI and VM shows running.  When I try to restart the VM, files are corrupt and missing and Windows won't boot.  Check drive in unnassinged devices and the drive has shown weird issues, one time it said 85mb out of 170mb free, on a 250gb drive, today it shows 75mb free of 250gb...  So the drive keeps getting cleared, but how?!  How can a drive have all it's files wiped, even while the VM is running....  If I use my VM with a Vdisk, the issue never happens.  

TLDR:  How do I find what keeps clearing my SSD overnight?  Checking logs, I can't make out what could be causing issue.  Cache Write is off for the bare metal drives, so mover should not be affecting it...  This didn't happen before when I imported the drive with a previous install of windows, but it did not like being a VM, so I cleared and started over...  For now, I guess I'll stick with just using Vdisks...



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5 hours ago, Julex said:

Ahh, I thought this whole time, they had to be mounted in order to passthrough.  I'll change that and try again.  Thanks!

Really what your doing when you passthrough the disk is avoiding unraid for the most part. By mounting it the unassigned plugin reads the MBR and then when the machine grabs it to start it potentially corrupts the mbr.

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