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  1. I changed to host and removed multi home and playing now.. They also posted a quick fix in the github but we can't do that one I don't believe.
  2. I'm getting the same error about API people on the subreddit are speculating it's because they added TLS and it's using a self signed cert.
  3. Thank you very much.. I'll do this now.. I really appreciate you responding
  4. For some reason after this second restart I am able to see all my files but I am unable to begin the rebuild of the parity and of the failed data drive. Is there a specific order I should do or something?
  5. tower-diagnostics-20230314-1028.zip Here is the updated diag @JorgeB
  6. It won't let me stop the array. Is there a command to make it stop cleanly or should I just use the restart button and let it timeout/force it? Also thank you very much for responding.
  7. I updated my bios as I was very out of date and I was doing a general system maintenance. When my server came back up everything appeared fine like it usually does but when it booted all the drives errored. It scared me so I stopped the array and rebooted it again. It came back up and said a pairty drive and a 2nd drive were errored but that everything else was fine. I started the array and it said it started cleanly but now all my data is missing even though it shows the space used. All my drives also for some reason showed up in unassigned devices. Can anyone please help me. Am I totally screwed? tower-diagnostics-20230314-0920.zip
  8. Sorry I don't know why I said blank.. HTTP challenge over port 80. Even though the port is totally accessible it seems it has trouble completing the challenges stating "Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)". It will even fail to do the challenge on subdomains it just did a few minutes ago when adding another subdomain to the list. But if I spin up "NginxProxyManager" as a test container just to see if other containers fail. It is able to challenge via http without issue. To my knowledge when it does the HTTP challenge the server redirects to the let'sencrypt folder where the challenges are stored but for some reason it times out sometimes on one or more subdomains and succeeds on others. I almost wonder if fail to ban is kicking in because I have so many subdomains.
  9. @aptalca Hey sorry to bother.. I was wondering to do an HTTP blank setup on let's encrypt does it have to have anything special set anywhere besides the standard stuff in the docker like subdomains and stuff? I had an issue trying to add a subdomain but another container would set it properly so made me think I might have something configured improperly. Though I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. The error I was getting was "Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)”. But if I just pointed my ports to the other container HTTP worked. The other strange thing is sometimes it would work for a subdomain and other times it wouldn't after just a restart. I assume it's something I'm doing but just wondering if you heard of this ever happening. I ended up doing a DNS challenge and it all worked fine. Thanks for any insights Edit Should also mention I only use cloudflare for my DNS now and no longer use it as a pass through so it shouldn't be that to my knowledge. Also the other container shouldn't of worked if that was the case. I have 6-7 subdomains.
  10. Slightly off top topic but @Dyonany chance you could make a wireguard docker container for SABnzbd?
  11. Figured it out.. Had an old docker that also had 8080 allocated(thought it was set to stay stopped) but it wasn't and it was starting before qbit was. Btw so far the experience has been much better than deluge. Downloads are much faster so thanks a lot for putting out a wireguard docker.
  12. Installed it to try. After restarting though it showed it wasn't running even though the log showed it was. Attempting to start or the service even after disabling docker and re-enabling shows "server error" very strange..
  13. I always use CPUZ to get an idea of where my processor is vs baremetal . Course multi threading won't be as good you should be able to divide the numbers on and see how much your getting vs a baremetal machine.
  14. What type of VM are you running? Perhaps a fedora VM?
  15. It is located in a VM and ive already installed the agent off of the virtio disk. Hmm I always just mount the virtio iso and go to the device manager and tell it to just scan the top level like E:\ and click the "include subfolders" and let it find whatever it wants. maybe we will see this is running alot better now that ive used your xml file items.. Thanks so much for that. What program do you use to bench mark within the VM to see what improvements are working ect. Welcome o-o glad it works for you. Honestly I mostly use CPUZ since it's fast/easy. I also use AIDA64 to get memory times. I have noticed when I'm in the unraid interface moving between areas in unraid. sometimes the webpage will go unresponsive. I'm unable to ping it on the network. I have to power cycle and when it comes back up i have to manually start the VM manager. This started after the bios changes. so i think my freezing is back. Anyway to prove that with logs? I think this has happened maybe once a day? Hmm now this is interesting. I know I used to see this when the USB controller I was passing had an issue. It would affect other USB controllers that weren't passed. You can usually see it in the syslog about the USB thumbdrive becoming dismounted. Were you able to find the power supply thing I had talked about? I believe on my old zenith it was in the AMD CBS menu. If the thumbdrive disconnects it sadly won't write anything to the local logs but if you have a syslog you can get it out of there.
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