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6.6.5 Random freeze (managed to get diagnostic logs)


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So this happens RANDOMLY (annoying as all hell that is) complete system freeze vm and all. When I ssh in i can run one command before that freezes too, Unless I call reboot. so I sshed in and rebooted it then called diagnostics, though I have no real idea WTF I'm looking at. as far as I can guess ram screwed up maybe? only had 250MB free, (if I'm reading it right). can any of you gurus help me out with reading these to figure out what caused the crash?


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8 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Lots of out of memory errors, looks like you're close to the edge regarding RAM, try reducing VM allocated memory or adding more RAM.

Thanks!, that's what I thought it was Rams on the shopping list in the next month or so. 

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