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Help/Suggestions/Alternatives - urBackup


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Moderators, if this is in the wrong location, please move.


I am in the process of evaluating a product called urBackup for use in a rather large non-profit organization. As I understand it, the urBackup container information was pulled from the app repo and shouldn’t be used? Is that correct? I was able to successfully load it and make it work albeit by installing, then stopping, then copying the volume from /var/lib/docker/volumes/****/_data to the appdata/urbackup/_data location, start up the container and viola…. It works. That being said, all this will need to be redone every time there is an update. Also, since I am new to the unRaid world and not knowing what has transpired before with this container, I am not sure this is a viable solution for backing up laptops, PC’s, etc.


So, I am seeking your advice and experiential wisdom. If any of you are actually using urBackup, please let me know what you have done to ensure it continues to function albeit not affecting unRaid in any way. If you wouldn’t mind, post screenshots of your container / unRaid settings. That being said, I am open to any other solutions that may be a better fit.


Thank you all in advance.



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By default, the /user/share/urbackup location wants to place the _data directory in the /var/lib/docker/volumes/*******/_data location. Even after creating the mapping..... This was able to be recreated several times albeit via much frustration.  This _data directory contains all of the www information for the web interface. This was the reason for creating the new folder location in the app data/urbackup folder, identifying which of the many volumes was the most current one (deleted all of the others), copying the _data directory to the actual mapped container directory, and then restarting the container.


All in all the docker container runs very well. I do have one question on the following file that now shows up in the /var/lib/docker/volumes location = metadata.db. I am unable to locate any reference to this file in the UrBackup container and don’t remember if it was there prior. It is small, around 24k so not much of a concern however, don’t want any issues that may cause harm to the array.

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