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Crash and Possible USB Flash Drive Issue


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I had my newish unRAID server running solid for about 2 weeks and out of nowhere the GUI froze on me. From my Win10 machine I ran a powerdown -r from telnet, but it never shutdown. The server became unresponsive for about an hour, so I had to do a hard shutdown. Server will no longer boot and USB flash drive no longer shows up in BIOS....


I threw the flash drive into my Win10 machine and it says there's something wrong with the drive and asks if I want to try and repair it. I select yes, then it says it cannot repair because the drive is write protected.... WTF. I tried copying the flash drive's contents to my Win10 machine, but it hangs halfway through. I got a portion of the files off, but not all.


I assume my 6 month old Sandisk USB flash drive went bad?? I picked up a new USB flash drive to replace it. My question is this: I do not have a recent USB backup unfortunately (learned my lesson and will backup regularly going forward), so what is the best practice to get back up and running? Hopefully I don't need to start from scratch.... Thanks in advance!

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Everything about your configuration is in the config folder on flash. The most important things there are the license .key file and super.dat, which is where your disk assignments are. Lots of other things you might wish you had a backup for such as docker templates.

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If you have a good recent copy of super.dat and a good copy of your license then you can get started with a new flash. You would have to get a new key (Tools - Registration) for the new flash, but with super.dat your array disks should at least allow you to start. Even without those it is possible to get going again with your data intact but it is a little more trouble.


As mentioned, the rest of your configuration is in the config folder, so if you can get all that back it will save you a lot of additional trouble configuring your users, your shares, your plugins, your dockers, your VMs...


For future reference, you can download a zipped copy of flash at any time by going to Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup

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Thanks for the tips. I copied as many files as I could from the original corrupt flash drive to the new fresh funRAID install flash drive. Thankfully it seems all of my settings, disks, dockers, etc are intact (whew!!).


Running parity check, fingers crossed.

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