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Any way to separate hdd/ssd disk temperature warnings?


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I'm wondering if there is any custom config/hack to be able to breakout SSDs/NVMe's from regular spinners in terms of disk temperature warnings.  I currently have my HDDs set to warn if the temps go above 49C but sometimes my Optane 900p's will often into the 50's (perfectly fine for them) and thus I get a lot of warning alerts.  However, I don't want to raise the threshold too high that I don't get properly warned if my spinners get too hot.

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You can click on each disk and set customs warning temps, unless they are unassigned, in that case the workaround is to set higher temps in the general settings and then lower temps for each assigned HDD, then the unassigned SSD/NVMe warnings will be based on the general settings.

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4 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

You can click on each disk and set customs warning temps, unless they are unassigned, in that case the workaround is to set higher temps in the general settings and then lower temps for each assigned HDD, then the unassigned SSD/NVMe warnings will be based on the general settings.


Perfect.  Thank you for this @johnnie.black.

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