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Docker Pull/Extract Slow

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Lately I've seen a noticeable slowness when updating/pulling docker containers. It appears to happen on the Extracting stage of the layers and it's directly correlated to the layer size (larger layer == longer extract time). It's gotten bad enough where I can't update some of my containers as the update just hangs forever. 


I'm not sure where to start for troubleshooting this. Nothing has changed on the hardware side and I haven't updated the Unraid OS recently (running 6.6.5). 



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Feb 17 21:50:52 VAULT emhttpd: shcmd (151): /usr/local/sbin/mount_image '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img' /var/lib/docker 25
# Share exists on disk1,4

You will get far far better performance by moving the docker.img to the cache drive


Set the Share settings for the system share to be Use Cache: Prefer


Fastest way to get it onto the cache drive:


Then Settings, Docker, Disable the service.  Delete the docker.img file, then re-enable the service then Apps, Previous Apps and check everything off.


Slower way:

Settings, Docker, Disable the service, then Main, Array Operations and run Mover.  Whenever its finished you can re-enable the docker service

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  • 4 years later...

Hi All,


Not sure if this thread is still relevant. But I am facing an issue with our unraid server where it is taking forever!!! to PULL files that are tiny.


I am unsure where to start troubleshooting.


After reading this thread I can see that my appdata is already on the cache drive.


Any other tips?

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I just posted kind of having the same issue. I'm not sure why. I've done some changes like a new router that it's behind and recently went to 6.11.5 so maybe there's compatibility issues. I deleted my docker image file and moved it to my SSD drives where the appdata was. I'm not sure if that's whats doing it but I'm seeing a little better performance. Maybe my drives are just being beat up doing scanning or something since it's basically a new install but moving around the GUI is very very sluggish when it wasn't before. I know it's something I did moving to 6.12 and now back to 6.11.5 but not sure what it is.

Edited by FlyingTexan
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