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(SOLVED) Highwater not kicking in

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Hey all, 


I've gone through all the posts relating to this topic, and double-checked all my settings, but can't seem to find a solution. 


My Unraid 6.6.7 nvidia server consists of the following: 

5TB Parity

Disk 1 - 4TB

Disk 2, 3 and 4 - 2TB

Cache - 256GB SSD


I have all my shares set up with High-water allocation method, minimum free space set to 0kb, automatic split as required, and disks set to ALL. However, the high-water doesn't seem to be kicking in as my Disk 1 is now down to 1.15TB free, and none of the other disks have come out of spin-down.


I have a unionfs mount set up in /disks which includes my Gdrive mount and /user/media, which I thought could be part of the problem, but have confirmed that it points to /user/ and not /disk/. Any downloads go direct to cache, and then get moved to the array with Sonarr and Radarr. 


Anything else I could be missing? Unraid is starting to throw storage notifications and I'm getting a bit concerned. 




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2 minutes ago, oc3lot said:

Even if it's a 4TB drive? I thought it did the first pass at 50% capacity. Thanks for the quick response!

The cut-overs are based on the largest disk.    Since that is 4TB the first cut-over is 2TB.    However since no drive is larger than 2TB and the 4TB drive still has 2TB free no cut-over occurs.    As was said the next cutover-point will be 1TB.   You willthen get 1TB written to each of the 2TB drives. 

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  • oc3lot changed the title to (SOLVED) Highwater not kicking in
  • 3 years later...

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