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Plex Issues with server migration


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Hi All,


I have recently moved my plex media server to unraid from ubuntu as I wanted a nice easy way to store my media and access remotely hence moving to unraid.  It was all working seamlessly to start with.


I started off by setting up Unraid with a single 4tb drive, copying my media from my plex server using krusader, I added more drives to the array once I had moved their content across. As i had a 4tb drive and 3x 2tb drives in my old server. 


I have now ended up with an array containing 1x 4tb drive, 3x 2tb drives and a 4tb drive which I have used to move my media across on. 


As I have copied the data across it seems as I may have lost some files, hoping to access my old plex server meta data to establish which films are missing so that I can re-rip. (any advice on how to do this is welcome) 


However the problem seems a bit more than this as my array seems to have more disk space than it should. I previously had circa 7tb of space used on my old server, my new array is showing that 4.1tb is used. I started off by filling the 4tb drive I started unraid off with to capacity (this is still showing as full) before adding the additional 3x 2tb  drives to the array and then supposedly transfering 2.85tb of data onto the server. however the other drives are only showing 4gb being used. My 4tb drive I have used to transfer the files on is still showing as containing 2.85tb of data. Yet when i try to copy the files across in krusader it is showing as they are already saved on the array. 


Plex is also 500 movies down as when i look in the FIlms directory i have circa 700 folders/files yet when i scan with plex only 205 are showing? Screenshots available if required!


Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on how to find my media and also get plex to see the films that are located in my shares (apparently). 


I am sure I have made a small oversight somewhere


Many Thanks in advance



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This seems like two separate problems and it would probably make sense to deal with the file transfer by itself first. Can you tell us more about what you did to transfer the files?


I know you said something about Krusader, but I can imagine using Krusader in several different scenarios to transfer files between two systems. For example, you can install Krusader docker on Unraid, or you could run Krusader on your ubuntu system. There are also different network protocols for transferring files. In Unraid, you can mount remote shares with the Unassigned Devices plugin. Etc.


Please explain in detail exactly what you did to transfer the files.

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Thanks for your reply, ironically the transfers seemed to have fixed itself. I was using Krusader in Unraid, mounting the 4TB disk locally and copying the files across in the Krusader docker. when doing so there were a couple of popups regarding data being on the share already however I pressed the overwrite instead of skip and it seems the data has now copied over, because of this the files are now showing up in plex, so the file transfer was the issue. 


However I am 1 drive down where I selected the wrong option in Krusader and have since formatted the disk and added it to the array.


I still have Ubuntu with my old plex server installation on another disk, does anyone know if there is a way to see the old Plex library/download a metadata file to find out what films I am missing so that I can re-rip or download the files? 



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2 hours ago, deagle1237 said:

I still have Ubuntu with my old plex server installation on another disk, does anyone know if there is a way to see the old Plex library/download a metadata file to find out what films I am missing so that I can re-rip or download the files? 

The Unraid Unassigned Devices plugin will allow you mount a disk that is any standard format and so should handle the Ubuntu disk just fine.

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5 hours ago, deagle1237 said:

I still have Ubuntu with my old plex server installation on another disk, does anyone know if there is a way to see the old Plex library/download a metadata file to find out what films I am missing so that I can re-rip or download the files? 

Can you still run that Plex server installation on that Ubuntu?

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