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After Upgrade, it no longer boots and goes through a power-cycle..


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I installed this for my father a few years ago as a dual-VM machine.  The OS was on 6.2.2. It was on a Netac 16 gig USB.


All was fine until one of his Ubuntu VM's ran out of drive space and you couldn't use it.. so, I looked online to see how to increase the VM's disc space and what I could find was all related to later versions of the OS.


So I went through the Upgrade (#4) "From version 6.2":


I had to do the "The new release does not show up after clicking Check for Updates button" instructions to proceed, and went to reboot - which gets back to the problem mentioned in the thread's topic.


The bootloader interface appears,


-but (automated) boot choice #1 goes through that power-cycle thing. (EDIT: this of course doesn't provide the opportunity to use the browser console.)


Interestingly IF I select the GUI version: it will get me to a login requirement, but I don't remember the User and Password I used for it.


Unfortunately I did not back-up the image before hand (per the "Prerequisites" section of the instructions).. I just focused on finding the "From version 6.2" link that sent me down to that area of the instructions.

What do I need to do to fix this?

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Just because you boot in GUI mode does not mean you have to use it!   You can still administer it via the network.   I am a bit puzzled, however, how you were able to admin the server earlier if you do not remember the password (the user will always be 'root').

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I don't use it (GUI mode). I've NEVER used it before. And I didn't get to use it this time because of the noted problem with password.;-)

I also didn't try the command-line boot (but I'm guessing it also has the same name/password).


..and to the best of my knowledge I can't get to it (GUI or command-line) via the network (browser console) anyway (or even if it would allow me to resolve my problem?).


I don't remember using a user name and password when using the broswer console.  For the past few years it was always *L*AN based, on the same computers/browsers, and it was just a matter of typing in (http://tower).



In any event, I'm not sure that really helps me with my question..:$

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-ok, so it was *"root" and no password - and it presents a GUI just like the browser console (which I didn't know, having never used it before). I'm having it run a deep scan for problems with the only problem currently showing-up that it has 2 key files. (..and I'll look up a fix for that next.)


Ironically though it isn't showing the opportunity to adjust VM disk-space size, which is why I did the update in the first place. I'm guessing it was an add-on of some sort that I'll also have to look up.


Still, I'm not getting a means of having it boot without the GUI (or presumably the command-line).  


So still the same problem, even if there is a protracted/GUI work-around.



*thank you itimpi! :)

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There have been other reports of some hardware only seeming to boot in one of the console/gui options.   Not sure if the reason has ever been identified.   The normal advice is just set it to default to booting in the one that works and then ignore the console and admin via the network.   You can easily change the default boot mode by clicking on the flash device on the Main tab.

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OK.. didn't find a "button" for changing the boot order in the USB drive's menu. :$


I'm assuming it's a command-line change in the Syslinux configuration list (shown in that portion of the "Flash" screen under Main tab), but I've know idea what to do to get that to work properly.  Not only that, I've no idea how to have it input "root" and no password to enter into that automatically (as with the unRAID OS default boot), or even if that's required (..perhaps the browser client is available by then to type in root and return return?).


I also didn't find a means of removing the key file from boot/config, where I've got a Basic.key at the top and a Trial.key at the bottom.  (..it does give the option to open the file, but not delete it (Trial.key).)


Finally, I did find the means within the VM to resize/enlarge it! (..it just was a bit "hidden" from what I was used to and what I saw from a video).


-so some progress! :)


EDIT: spoke to soon.  The VM I resized larger doesn't work and give me a string of errors.. O.o

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3 hours ago, ScottG said:

I'm assuming it's a command-line change in the Syslinux configuration list (shown in that portion of the "Flash" screen under Main tab), but I've know idea what to do to get that to work properly.  

It's the little "radio" button next to the boot option on that screen.  Alternative, from the advanced view, you just set what ever you want as "menu default"

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While I didn't find a boot option on that page as it first appears, that "Basic View" to the right of the "Syslinux Configuration" toggles to the "Advanced View" and then shows radio buttons for boot priority beside the boot options! 


Thank you! :)


..as for the VM image: I finally gave-up on it. (..the entire reason for the upgrade and ensuing shit-storm). :$  Created a new Ubuntu image and I've still got a bit more configuration to do (..mostly Synergy integration with his Windows VM) tomorrow, along with seeing how unRAID now reacts to a reboot. This time I think I'll double-up on these VM's like I did with Windows (..just in case something like this happens again). And of course I more than doubled disk space for the VM..

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You can certainly increase the size of a vDisk.   However I have always done it from the command line when I needed this.   After doing so you still have to take action inside the VM (what depends on the OS in use) to get it to start using any additional space.

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Things have gone from bad to UNUSABLE.


I did the radio-button auto-boot for the GUI portion and now NONE of the OS groups will boot (..after trying all 3).




What do I do now?



On a "side" note: I did figure out what was causing the problem with restarting the old Ubunutu VM: I was using (pass-through) my Intel On-Board Sound Card and the "GUI" didn't have the "stub" work-around in sysconfig..  Of course it's a moot point now that I can no longer boot-up anything for unRAID.


I also never found a means of removing the Trial.key..

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