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Array wont 'stop' or shutdown.


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Stuck on a 'Aray stopping: sync filesystem' prompt for a while, am i safe to just press the button?

I've taken diagnostics, for some reason Disk4 is 'active' but its not been used for ages!

Was about (trying) to take the array offline to reformat a disk to xfs, sods law  says it doesnt want it to happen!


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Well, that took it down fairly rapidly. I'm not an expert with linux, in fact i know absolutely nothing, but managed to follow that one!

Array back, all disks are there, says config is valid. Irony here is that i'm about to format Disk2 to xfs so i'm guessing it'll break parity at some point, rebuild and then i'm on to another 4 days of moving the next disk contents off and on ... this is not fun!

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1 minute ago, superloopy1 said:

format Disk2 to xfs so i'm guessing it'll break parity at some point

Formatting will not break parity.  Pretty much nothing does unless you remove the drive and make changes to it, or delve down deep and directly access it via /dev/sde1

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Thanks for that, allrestarted and i've reformatted so onwards and upwards. Update post if anything comes of those diagnostics but i've never had this happen in 4 years of running the config on this little microserver which i'm now in the process of decommissioning. Maybe it had an inkling of its fate to come ....

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