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High usage on CPU0 even if isolated


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Hello everyone,

I'm having a strange behavior with my Unraid 6.7.2

I've isolated CPU0, since is the one used by Unraid itself



But despite that I'm having following scenario:




The "only" thing PLEX is doing atm is to generate a preview thumbnail for a film I've added.

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You misunderstood isolation.

  • Isolation = tell Unraid (including dockers) to NOT use the core (usually because you want your VM to use it). Isolating CPU0 is almost always not recommended.
  • If you want a docker to not use a certain core, you need to use the docker CPU pinning feature to select which cores the docker can use (and thus if you don't select CPU0 then the docker won't use that core).


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1 minute ago, testdasi said:

You misunderstood isolation.

  • Isolation = tell Unraid (including dockers) to NOT use the core (usually because you want your VM to use it). Isolating CPU0 is almost always not recommended.
  • If you want a docker to not use a certain core, you need to use the docker CPU pinning feature to select which cores the docker can use (and thus if you don't select CPU0 then the docker won't use that core).



I though that I had to select all 37CPU for PLEX, but since the core is isolated (so it tell Docker to not use it), why is sicker using it?

also why isn’t recommended?



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