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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout - Tried Every Option I Could Find

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I have an 8TB red parity and three 4TB red data drives. I took the server apart because I was going to change some parts, but ended up putting it all back together the same way. Once I booted back up, I am getting this message on one of the drives:


Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout


I have everything backed up, so I have tried to format the drive, preclear it, everything I could find for the last few weeks on the forums. No matter what happens, it comes back to this. When I preclear, the preclear fails after a day or so. (I attached the latest preclear report.)


The only thing I haven't done is pull the drive and format it in another computer. I am not sure if that would work.


Any ideas? Are there any other reports I can add here to help?


Thank you.


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That log shows that the preclear appeared to finish OK.    After you have run preclear on a disk it is by definition neither formatted or partitioned as you have just written zeroes to the whole drive.   You have to use the option to format it in Unraid to make it usable.    This will create an empty file system on the drive.   If the format does not work then you need to provide the system diagnostics taken just after attempting the format so we can see what is happening.

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7 minutes ago, AnnHashaway said:

It is currently 5% through the Parity Sync / Data Rebuild process. Should I wait that out, or go ahead and add it back to unassigned devices and format?

You can let that run.    At this point Unraid should be emulating the drive so is it showing as an unmountable disk?     If so then Unraid will be rebuilding it to match the emulated state and the fix is to run a file system repair on it.    If as you implied you ran a format on the drive at some point (format is never part of the normal data recovery process) then parity would have been updated to reflect that so you will probably end up with an empty file system on the disk.

Edited by itimpi
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