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System Shares Disappeared

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Hey guys, the more i mess with Unraid (6.6.3), the more i love it! Having said that, I have replaced a few disks that were showing lots of errors, and my system shares seem to have disappeared. Some of them were old disks that i just tossed in because storage space :) One of them was the cache disk, and the other was a data disk with no data on it. I had Docker set up and a few containers for testing, so no major loss. But now i want docker back, and none of the system shares are there.


I know i need some sort of a log file for you experts to peruse, so which one do i send?


EDIT: Diagnostic file attached.


Edited by neon_phoenix
attach file
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Looks like you were rebuilding a disk. Was that disk5? In any case, you were having multiple disk errors during the rebuild so it is likely to be compromised. Does it look like all your data is there?


Your appdata, domains, and system shares are gone as you say. Did you remove or replace cache? That is where they would have been, but unless you have a redundant cache pool you can't recover those unless you maybe copy them from the original disks.


Several of your disks have SMART issues, including cache. You should be seeing SMART warnings on the Dashboard for those. You really need to reconsider even using those disks.


Could be the simplest thing would be to just start over, and with better disks. Or maybe just fewer good disks.


Do you have backups? You must always have at least one more copy of anything important and irreplaceable.

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Yes, Disk5 was one of the disks that had rebuilt after being replaced. As i said, there was no data on Disk 5 so no problem ( i think?)


I did also replace the cache drive, but the original is still sitting here if need be.


Side note, i found the system shares (pic attached) under /mnt/disk1/. Strange that they would be there now? Also, i now have a "/user0" dir for some reason (also pic attached)



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10 minutes ago, trurl said:

If you start docker or VM services without a cache drive, then those shares would wind up on the array, but you don't want them there.

Yes. Ok that is what i needed to know. And yes i know that there are 2 other disks of questionable health in the array. The plan was to replace them 1 at a time to allow rebuilds. Unless replacing multiple disks at once is ok with Unraid? My assumption was no.


If there is no data on a disk, can it be removed (physically and logically) from the array, permanently? I dont need all the space/disks i have, i just went full JBOD with disks i had lying around, which, in hindsight now, should have been retired.

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With single parity you can only rebuild one disk at a time.


You can remove disks by going to Tools - New Config and changing the disk assignments so those disks aren't included. You will have to rebuild parity, which New Config does by default.


I always recommend using only as many disks as required for your current needs. Each additional disk is an additional point of failure.

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1 hour ago, trurl said:

I always recommend using only as many disks as required for your current needs. Each additional disk is an additional point of failure.


Gotcha. And yes that is a good idea. I succumbed to the "more disks=better" . Ill remove the extra (less-reliable) drives from the array and rebuild.


How should I re-enable docker? And by that i mean remove any trace of it from the array, and have it re-enable with the proper paths available?

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9 hours ago, neon_phoenix said:

How should I re-enable docker? And by that i mean remove any trace of it from the array, and have it re-enable with the proper paths available?

Settings - Docker, Disable then Delete. Enable will recreate, and since system share is cache-prefer, it will go on cache if cache is there.


Previous Apps on the Apps page will reinstall containers using their previous settings.

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