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Added new Ethernet, how do I make it work?


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Long story short:


- My on-board LAN is dead (before unRAID install), but is detectable (reports as r8169).


- I have (before unRAID install), a PCI LAN card, that is detected (as 8139too), but only plays as 100Mbit. It is a gigabit card and I am positive it worked as such, but cannot verify (previous OS is dead).


- I just got a new LAN card, PCIe, I left the other on (because I was sure I will be in this situation) and the new one is not detected at all. The card is tp-link TG-3468. I am positive Linux supports it.

Note that the LED is on, so physically is detected by the switch. Switch again (!!!) shows it as 100 but it CAN be that it is in some "compatibility" mode until a driver is used.


HOW do I make unRAID detect it?

Assume minimal Linux knowledge.


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It is reported as "8139too".
I was positive it was a gigabit card when I installed it, but I cannot verify until I physically remove it (not possible right now).
(in other words it MIGHT be reported with wrong model - or not - I can only know when I remove it)


The issue now is how do I make the new card work.



Edited by NLS
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7 minutes ago, NLS said:

It is reported as "8139too".
I was positive it was a gigabit card when I installed it, but I cannot verify until I physically remove it (not possible right now).

The issue now is how do I make work the new card.



It does not look like the 8368 is even showing up at the hardware level, and thus there is no attempt to even load a driver for it.

the Realtek is definitely being shown as 8139 which is limited to 100Mbps.

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Right now my focus is the new PCIe card.


8368 is TG-8368?

I saw that it doesn't show in the file.

What could that mean I wonder. I don't see anything in EFI that could limit it.

Should it be auto-detected?

I will try to find and use a different PCIe slot.

If again is not shown, I will try it on a different computer just to be sure it works.


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21 minutes ago, NLS said:

It is reported as "8139too".
I was positive it was a gigabit card when I installed it, but I cannot verify until I physically remove it (not possible right now).
(in other words it MIGHT be reported with wrong model - or not - I can only know when I remove it)


The issue now is how do I make the new card work.



Answering your question, it should 'just' work.  Which version of unraid are you running?  I'd suggest you try either 6.6.7 or the 6.8 rc series.  The latter being newer so maybe things are fixed, the former being the most stable and also older in case something broke.  You could try the 6.7 series but I wouldn't recommend making that your daily driver due to the raid storage bug in it.  Then, for whichever case is interesting, post your diagnostics back here.

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I am running latest unRAID.

It just worked. I moved it to different PCIe.

But MAYBE it was already there and I just had to press "port up".

Now I have different issue.

I want to disable eth0 and use eth1.

EDIT: Found it.



Edited by NLS
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From my experience, the only way to disable it and have a working system afterward is to stub the eth0 pci device.  I personally think the networking config when it comes to this type of procedure needs some serious improvement in unraid as it just doesn't do what you'd think it would.  That said, other people don't agree with me, but I don't think they were listening properly either, so depending on your experience I'd be the best or worst person to help you with this.  lol.


But yeah, for a dead device anyway, just stub it so it never shows up, then probably delete your network config file to reset the networking stack.  That's where I'd start.

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* For the non-working eth adapter, I disabled from EFI/BIOS. Doesn't show up.


* For the 100Mbit (right or wrong) adapter that used to show as eth0, I just went to the third tab and swapped it to make it eth1 (and the new PCIe card eth0). System rebooted and then I could disable eth1! ("port down")

Or I could leave it as active backup, but since I am not sure how it works yet (i.e. if eth0 always takes priority or priority is random or least used or what), I ignored that option.


So case closed.


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