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Unraid v6.7.2 deleted path in net settings, no longer able to access server webui

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So I have a new server I just set up, and this is all very new to me. I had set up various Dockers and while I was trying to setup my Plex docker to allow me to connect remotely, I was messing with some network settings under the unraid settings tab> network settings, I had made a new path and messed up, or so I thought the up so I deleted it and made a new one.


The new path I believe I made was along the lines of: " and eth0 ".


I wish I knew more that I could do to provide, but as of now I'm dead in the water and can not access my server via the webui from the IP or tower/main or anything. On the servers's monitor and keyboard it still says tower login and such but I'm not sure what I can do from there.

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3 minutes ago, powderwt said:

On the servers's monitor and keyboard it still says tower login and such but I'm not sure what I can do from there.

Login (root with no password unless you have set one) and type shutdown and wait for it. Then put your flash in your pc and delete config/network.cfg to make it use default network settings.

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5 hours ago, trurl said:

Login (root with no password unless you have set one) and type shutdown and wait for it. Then put your flash in your pc and delete config/network.cfg to make it use default network settings.

So this worked!! thank you so much! now i just have to figure out how to get plex to be acessible remotely... 


as an FYI, when i got on my server ("terminal") ? is it? where i was actually using the keyboard and monitor connected directly to my server? Im not sure what the correct terminology is for that, instead of shutdown, i had to type " poweroff " . It waited 90 seconds then powered down, for anyone else who may possibly see this.

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