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/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)

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I have the following warning in Tower/FixProblems.

"Either your server has an extremely long uptime, or your syslog could be potentially being spammed with error messages. A reboot of your server will at least temporarily solve this problem, but ideally you should seek assistance in the forums and post your Diagnostics."

When I reboot it is still 100% full, can anyone suggest what I need to do here.

Thank you


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It's basically because you've got mover logging enabled (which FCP warned you about), and the PlexMediaServer share set to use cache: yes.  In a nutshell, you're logging every single file that mover moves or tries to move from that share (which at least on my system is around 200,000 files)


Also, generally you would set any docker appdata share to instead be use cache: Prefer to keep the files on the cache drive for performance purposes.  (And possibly backup an appropriate appdata share via the appdata backup plugin)


Are all your docker applications using a separate share for their /config mapping?  While not a problem in and by itself, generally the way to do things is to keep them all within an appdata share (and separate folders from that), if only for management purposes

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Thank you

Disabled Mover logging. Looks okay now.

Regarding plex .. I'm being told to remove my version of plex as it has been deprecated from Community Applications. I just dont know at this time how to remove an app and everything that is associated with it . And it took me ages to setup this current version. I have a little reading to do.


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10 minutes ago, Userpaul said:

I just dont know at this time how to remove an app and everything that is associated with it

Probably best to install the Krusader app and manually delete the share from it.  Or alternatively, Tools - New Permissions (and select the PlexMediaServer share you want to delete) and then you'll be able to delete the contents of the share via the Network and then remove the share from unRaid.

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