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Issues with my Unraid


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So I built an unraid box a few months ago and it has been working great.


However all my 5 drives shows as error in the parity check, and one of my drives is getting a lot of errors so yesterday it said fail but it went back to error instead when I restarted.


When I run Smart health check all is showing as: SMART overall-health:Passed


I have a few problems now, so when trying to copy a file from the cache drive to the unraid it goes first 500 mbs and then just drops to 1mbps and then 0 bytes. Where it just gets stuck.


Any idea what has happened?


Edit: I noticed that one of the cables had been disconnected so that sorted the transfer speeds. But still the smart check is a mystery to me

Edited by dgooglr
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The disk doesnt have much on it, so that is not a big problem. It is just annoying that I bought it one week ago, and now it is faulty.. So I will have to use the warrenty I believe. Is there a way to format that one particular drive? And disk 4 is not the parity drive so one faulty device shouldnt be a problem, right?

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1 hour ago, dgooglr said:

And disk 4 is not the parity drive so one faulty device shouldnt be a problem, right?

This question makes me wonder if you misunderstand parity. Parity does not contain any of your data. It is not any more important than a data disk. If anything it is somewhat less important since it doesn't have any files on it. Parity by itself can't recover anything. Parity PLUS ALL remaining disks allow the data for a missing disk to be calculated.

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1 minute ago, trurl said:

This question makes me wonder if you misunderstand parity. Parity does not contain any of your data. It is not any more important than a data disk. If anything it is somewhat less important since it doesn't have any files on it. Parity by itself can't recover anything. Parity PLUS ALL remaining disks allow the data for a missing disk to be calculated.

Yes, so that with one faulty drive. I will be able to replace it and get the data back. Now im anyways moving the data over to the array, but this also makes me wonder if the drive would qualify for a return to the shop. As the disk clearly works, but it is about to fail?

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It sounds like you are considering not replacing the disk right away. You shouldn't continue to run the array with that disk since it compromises the redundancy of the array. And removing a disk (shrinking the array) is a different procedure than rebuilding a disk.


Let us know what you intend to do, there are specific procedures for the different ways you might change your disk configuration.


3 minutes ago, dgooglr said:

Now im anyways moving the data over to the array, but this also makes me wonder if the drive would qualify for a return to the shop. As the disk clearly works, but it is about to fail?

If you look on the Dashboard, you should see SMART warning for that disk. If you go to Main - Array Devices and click on the disk to get to its page, then look at Attributes, you should see some lines in yellow. Those are the things that make me say the disk should not be used in your array. And they are good evidence that the disk is untrustworthy.

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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

It sounds like you are considering not replacing the disk right away. You shouldn't continue to run the array with that disk since it compromises the redundancy of the array. And removing a disk (shrinking the array) is a different procedure than rebuilding a disk.


Let us know what you intend to do, there are specific procedures for the different ways you might change your disk configuration.


If you look on the Dashboard, you should see SMART warning for that disk. If you go to Main - Array Devices and click on the disk to get to its page, then look at Attributes, you should see some lines in yellow. Those are the things that make me say the disk should not be used in your array. And they are good evidence that the disk is untrustworthy.

Ok. My problem is that all my disks are showing with the thumbs down on smart in the dashboard. But it is only one that is giving errors.. So I have taken a screenshot of that page with the attributes to include that in my return claim. Ok. So the drive is a 6 TB drive, and I have currently 600 GB of content. So my plan is to copy it over to one of the other disks and then remove the disk . Probably I need to return it and it will take a few weeks probably.


Edited by dgooglr
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42 minutes ago, dgooglr said:

So I have taken a screenshot of that page with the attributes to include that in my return claim.

The ones that are particularly worrying are:

  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   PO--CK   045   045   010    -    20272 (0 3)
197 Current_Pending_Sector  -O--C-   100   100   000    -    24
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   ----C-   100   100   000    -    24

On a new disk I would expect those to all be 0.   


44 minutes ago, dgooglr said:

My problem is that all my disks are showing with the thumbs down on smart in the dashboard.

If you click on the Orange icon then you are given a menu.  If you select Attributes then you can see which ones have caused the status to be flagged.   CRC errors are connection issues rather than disk issues and a occasional occurrence is normally OK.   There is also an Acknowledge menu entry and if you select this then the icon turns green until a SMART attribute being monitored changes value.

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So now I have removed the drive, and installed it into an usb enclosure. On my laptop it gives no errors. 


Just worried that if I send it in and this is the state of the drive then it might not be considered faulty?


edit: used a different tool and then I also got the errors on my laptop. So then all is good.


Thanks for the help, and answering all my dumb questions :)

Edited by dgooglr
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