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All user shares gone after hard reboot.

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Hi all. Several days ago I had a power loss at my home which killed the power to the server(no BBU yet). Server came back up fine with no noticeable errors but I have no user shares and thus the docker and VM shares are missing so nothing starts up. I can still browse to \\tower and instead of all my shares I see a share for each disk. All the files are there and the random ones I opened are working. 


Did some searching on the Google and found some posts with the same symptoms.Following their recommendations, I logged into the terminal on the physical server and typed "mc" t get to a file browser and looked in the config folder for "shares.cfg" it is not there (I think this is the problem but have no idea why it is missing or how to replace it). Next I looked in the shares folder and all my user share .cfg files are there and I can open them in notepad ++. Everything seems fine in each of the files. Then I tried to create a share with the same name as one in the share folder. It gives an error that the share was deleted (picture attached). Next I deleted the share .cfg from the shares folder and tried to create it again with the same result. I completed those same steps in safe mode with the same results. 


Another post said this was a bug and clean restart with parity check completed fixed the issue. after 16 hours the parity check completed with 0 errors and still no user shares. I attached the errors i see in the log for the shares that are supposed to be there(pic attached).


I am hoping that I am overlooking something stupid and that this will be a simple fix. 


server spec:

dual e-2690v3

128gb ecc ram

only thing attached is a hba and raid card. 

8tb parity drive - connected to hba

17 2tb data drives - connected to hba

1 8tb data drive - connected to hba

6 240gb ssd - cache array

1 500gb ssd - cache array


I know I have 2 of my 2tb drives that are starting to show relocated sectors and had planned on replacing them soon but had not gotten to it yet. All the data on them is still accessible and both drives I can still read and write to so I don't think that has anything to do with this issue.


Any help is greatly appreciated. love unraid and the community around it.   






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I just rebooted with the docker service and VM service disabled...... everything is back..... I have restarted docker and am currently updating everything (have been down almost a week). so far so good. still have to restart the VM service. Can someone please help me understand why this happened. I am glad I was able to "fix" it but am at a complete loss as to what if anything has actually been fixed and why.


once I have updated everything and am confident the issue is fixed I will mark topic as solved.

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