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Unraid suddenly wont boot


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How do you know that it hangs? (Or what appears on the screen?)


Since it sounds like it boots in Safe mode, it's going to be a plugin if it's hanging.


I would delete / rename the following files in /config/plugins on the flash drive reboot and see what happens


  1. NerdPack.plg
  2. ipmi.plg
  3. wakeonlan.plg
  4. unbalance.plg

This order is IMO the likely hood that they will possible cause any issues.  (the other .plgs should *never* be able to interfere)


If you're still not getting anywhere, reboot in safe mode, enable the mirror to flash option in Settings - Syslog Server, reboot normally and then post the mirrored syslog file here from the flash drive (logs folder)

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