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Last night after OS update, cannot access web interface or NSF shares


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Last night I clicked update on the OS.noff the top of my head, this was to 6.8, but honestly I cannot remember without seeing it. This was just the next stable iteration, just like I've always done. On reboot, I couldn't access over web interface. This box is running headless, and the video connector is actually broken on the motherboard. Anyway, the physical unit seems fine, drives are spinning up. I CAN connect over SMB and see all the files, play videos. My front ends won't connect over the usual NFS shares. Where do I start? It looks like I can see the flash drive contents. What info can I post for some help.


Thank you all so much, I've always appreciated everyone here so much.

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Can you ssh in?   If so you could try the 'diagnostics' command from the command line to get the system diagnostics zip file to post.   Failing that I would suggest posting the config/network.cfg file from the flash drive as most connection issues seem to be caused by spurious/incorrect entries in that file.


BTW:  You seem to have a very out-of-date signature as it shows you are running 6.0 beta 14a :) You can update your signature via  your account settings on the forum (as well as turning on/off whether you see signatures) 

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I have signatures turned off.  I didn't even realize I still had one. Thanks.


Er... having trouble SSHing in.

I tried Login: root Password:[none]

I tried Loging and Password from the webgui


Both gave me access denied.  Admittedly, I think it is years since I SSHed into Unraid. So maybe I just don't remember the password


Edited by mikesp18
added network.cfg
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well, some good news.  SSH didn't work, but the motherboard is a SuperMicro with IPMI, so I can watch


the boot seemed to hang at /bzroot


Edit: after the first attempt which allowed me to atleast attempt SSH login, now Putty cannot connect :( Still can get SMB shares


Edit2: Well, I don't know what is different.  I turned off the system so that I could install a new Video Card so I could try to get a front end and seen what was happening.  When I turned the system back on, Unraid was working.  I don't have any good explanation for this behavior. I'll attanch the diagnostics file if it is helpful.  Now I'm scared something is about to fail.


Edited by mikesp18
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I had a similar problem, I installed the update and then couldn't access my server. Downgrading to 6.7.2 stable resolved the problem as that was what I was running before upgrading.


After a few attempts, it seems that when the update is installed, it bonds ethernet ports together and this changed the MAC address of the server, giving it a new IP as I have DHCP set on the router.


I changed the Interface Rules in the Network Settings to give each ethernet port it's own MAC address and this solved my issue.


I'm not sure if network bonding is set by default and this may not be the correct way of solving the issue but it has worked for me.

Edited by Scooshie
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