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(SOLVED) rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU

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Since a few days, my server is crashing when my mover starts. Since the problem started, I had my Unraid server export to a syslog server, so attached you will find my syslog file and diagnostics. The server crashes at 12/14/2019 22:08 (mover starts at 22:00).

Unraid version: 6.8.0

Cache disk: xfs

Array disk (5): xfs


When the server hangs, i can still access the command line using my iDrac on my R710, but when I issue a powerdown -r, the server starts it reboot cycle, but hangs at 'waiting 120 seconds to gracefully shut down'. Then it's starts to collect diagnostic files, but it won't get any further than that. A warm power cycle is the only option to recover.


I did already read this topic: 

But in the comment mentioned above, that issue should have been solved in the 6.0 beta-15 update.


2019-12-14.csv : Syslog file, server crash at 12/14/2019 22:08


Any help would be kindly appreciated.



2019-12-14.csv behemoth-diagnostics-20191214-2234.zip

Edited by rvoosterhout
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