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Sorry; Some Mercy? Verifying DMI Error...Again


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Been down this road before.

I have a very stable build; real set it and forget kinda thing. Except...every time I DO make, the smallest change; my GigaByte freaks out!

In this case...it’s simply swapping out, the bootable USB flash; and I’m stuck at ‘verifying DMI pool data’.

I’ve searched, of course; and resetting to defaults didn’t do the trick.

I monkeyed with a few other things; but please oh please...I loathe pulling the case open, and clearing the CMOS!


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OK; so you GOTTA believe me.


i did this, only about 12 million times; and the Boot USB, never showed up SPECIFICALLY (and I tried this, with my OLD drive...a Lear; and the NEW one, a Sandisk)...in the BIOS or Boot Menu (though I was booting to USB-FDD).


When I went to take a pic for the thread; the Lexar was there, in a way I hadn’t seen previously...since this issue reared its head. I put it 1st in order, in the BIOS; and boom 🙃


I started up...did a clean shutdown; swapped out the Boot...and kept my fingers crossed. No dice.


Now...I have to mention, again: I may not know much...but I know how to set and/or reset boot order. My checking today, and clearly seeing the Lexar in a way I hadn’t previously; WAS after, the server setting running...for a few days.


Is it at all possible; this is in any way, effected by TIME??

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OK; this post will probably make me look STUPID...but, I think it will help one of you SMART guys, to solve the issue.


Since I can now boot, to the OLD drive; I decided to just format...copy my contents...and let ‘er rip.


OLD drive, is FAT. NEW drive...was Fat32 (from uR boot creator). I’m like “ah ha”; but of course...there’s no FAT option, on my Win10 PC.


I try exFat; and...the boot drive DOES show up, in the BIOS Boot Menu. But then it crashes on load...with an obvious exFat issue.


I go back to Fat32, re-copy; BIOS won’t see it.


Let the healing begin!?

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