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Supermicro x7dbe not running windows!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I had this recently.

I had fiddled with the VM settings after changing my USB settings so that I got an error message when starting my VM.


In my case this happened when my XML got corrupted in v 6.8.0 (and the result was the blue-screen you got).

Whatever you do, DO NOT erase your vdisk and DO NOT erase your VM.


Backup your VM XML with the new app that is available. I excluded backup of the vdisk (only doing XML file bakckup), but keep the vdisk untouched and DO NOT erase it.

Then create a new Windows 10 VM with the same settings you had when you created it and for vdisk Choose MANUAL (Not Auto) and the path+file of your original vdisk.

After creation of the VM, next time you edit it, it will show vdisk AUTO in the setting. This is a bug. If you choose to look at the XML you will see that it uses your manually set vdisk. Just ignore this bug.


The newly created VM has another uuid, whence is another VM machine. Now you can start it.

I got a warning about a graphics file that I had to ignore and the windows and installed software licenses were not active.

This is because now you run your vdisk on another (new) VM mashine.


The final solution is to simply copy all the XML text from below the <uuid>      </uuid> line(s) from the newly created VM into the old repair asking VM (in XML form edit) and update. Then suddenly the original VM works (I was lucky) and all activated licenses will show up as active again. This works because the VM now uses the original uuid.


If everything works now you can delete the newly created VM you made and only keep the old one.

The old VM that i erased all lines after </uuid> and replaced with the ones from the newely created VM ended up working 100%, no error messages or repair bluescreen and with windows licence + software licenses activated (as from before repair problem).



This showed me that I can rely on that unraid will not destroy my vdisk data (thus the VM data except, VM Mashine, XML file setup).

You just have to understand the VM GUI edit (especially non XML form) is buggy.

Unfortunately the unraid VM create/edit GUI from simple non XML form is buggy, therefore make backups of the XML file. Unfortunately there is no restore in this new VM backup app yet. You will have to copy the saved XML text by hand (open file in text editor and copy, then paste into your VM XML form) if you need to do that. And if you backup the vdisk (I did not do that) you will have to copy over your backupvdisk file over your vdisk file to restore it.


As I did suggest remember to keep a backup of your latest original files first if you do a "manual restore", then try to do the manual restore (you can have multiple time backups). If everything is working 100% THEN you can remove the backups of the XML (and possibly vdisk if you had made a vdisk backup) if you want.



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