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Troublesome nvme drive. Any help appreciated


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Hi all.


Long story short I have an nvme drive in my server that for the best part of 3 months had been passed through at controller level running inside a windows 10 VM.


This morning the server stopped responding and after trying to reboot it was trying to boot to the nvme target than my unraid usb. After during this in the bios the windows VM no longer booted.


So I bit the bullet as no matter what I did I could no pass the nvme by ID to a new wm template and added it to cache as a pool with my other 1tb add. After a change of heart I removed it from cache pool.


So here's the problem


The nvme drive is now sat under unassigned devices but has a brts partition that I can simply not get rid of.


I want to use the nvme by ID as the primary vdisk location but at the moment can't do anything with it.


Any ideas



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53 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

UD should be able to delete any partition, but you can also use blkdiscard:

blkdiscard /dev/nvmeXn1


If I click on the + to reveal the partition and then click the X to delete it does something then refrehes and the partition remains.


Where do I put the that command in a terminal window?


Edited by enigma27
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