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Install PicApport

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first of all, I am completely new to Unraid and to this forum and English is not my native language, so please forgive me my bad grammar.

I want to Install the PicApport https://www.picapport.de/en/index.php on my Unraid Server. For so far I found two Docker Containers this one: https://hub.docker.com/r/whatever4711/picapport  and this one https://hub.docker.com/r/fionnb/picapport/

I installed first the one by fionnb and afterwards the one by whatever4711 through the Community applications plugin, but can't get one of them up and running. I already changed the Network Type to host, but still cant reach the Web GUI.


PS: I wannted to add this toppic in the right section (under Application Support/Docker Containers) but somehow I cannt open there a new toppic.

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