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Show parity check type in history

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At the bottom of the Main tab and in the parity check history, I think it would be helpful to show if it was correcting/non-correcting.

I can be scatterbrained at times and for instance a month ago I had a few parity errors come up after a power outage. So I ran a correcting parity check. All is well.


Tonight, a month later, I just happen to glance and see "Last check completed on xx/xx/xx, finding 518 errors." Look at history, two checks ran within a couple days, both finding 518 errors. Took me a minute to remember running the correcting parity check. After running the correcting check I had neglected to run another check to ensure 0 errors.


Long story short, would be nice to see if a check was correcting or not so if something like that happens again its easy to know whether a correcting or non-correcting check should be ran.

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